Sustain, Hudson, Blog
Hey there folks!

If you want to win a FREE rain barrel, listen up!

To win a FREE rain barrel, all you have to do is post on our Facebook wall this hashtag:


Then, finish post by finishing the sentence! Tell us what you'll do with the rain barrel!

Everyone who enters gets a chance at winning, so don't be shy! The winner will receive a wonderful, painted rain barrel from Sustain Hudson!

You have until Earth Day (22 April) to participate, so tell us what you'll do with a rain barrel!

You can enter on our Facebook page,

**Limited to citizens of St. Croix County and surrounding nearby region. No purchase necessary. Many will enter, one will win. You must have a Facebook account to participate. Winner of rain barrel is not eligible to win future contests regarding rain barrels on the Sustain Hudson Facebook page within the same year (2013).
2/16/2015 02:36:22 am

nice share.. thanks.. from ANDROID


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Sustain, Hudson, Blog