Sustain, Hudson, Blog
Hey there folks!

If you want to win a FREE rain barrel, listen up!

To win a FREE rain barrel, all you have to do is post on our Facebook wall this hashtag:


Then, finish post by finishing the sentence! Tell us what you'll do with the rain barrel!

Everyone who enters gets a chance at winning, so don't be shy! The winner will receive a wonderful, painted rain barrel from Sustain Hudson!

You have until Earth Day (22 April) to participate, so tell us what you'll do with a rain barrel!

You can enter on our Facebook page,

**Limited to citizens of St. Croix County and surrounding nearby region. No purchase necessary. Many will enter, one will win. You must have a Facebook account to participate. Winner of rain barrel is not eligible to win future contests regarding rain barrels on the Sustain Hudson Facebook page within the same year (2013).

Sustain, Hudson, Blog