Sustain, Hudson, Blog
Tomorrow (8/17) is the premiere date for Sustain Hudson's new documentary, "Take the Hike".

The documentary focuses on what can we do in our everyday lives to promote sustainability, as well as let you know how our efforts and the Hudson School District's efforts are going.

The video is about 18 minutes, and features the guests of Stew Erickson, Ann Mitchell, Ken Holman, Greg Tellijohn, and Judy Freund.

"Take the Hike" will be showing in a few locations in downtown, including Hudson Flower Shop and MacXprts//Digital Garage.. In addition, it will be showing on Channel 15 "The River Channel," as well as on our official YouTube and Vimeo pages. It will be posted on YouTube tomorrow, and Vimeo on Saturday. 

It is free to watch, and is a fun little movie on the efforts of sustainability.

Remember to "Like" us on Facebook!
Hi all!

Wow! What a busy month! Hope you had an awesome Memorial Day weekend, and an sweet spring. 

Sustain Hudson would like to thank those who participated in the Earth Day Art Project. Your art looks very cool and we hope that a lot of people got to see it on display at our local businesses.

We'd also like to thank donors of helping us in our sustainability affairs. It really means a lot, and it helps put us and the community in the right direction. Remember, you can donate by becoming a member of Sustain Hudson which can be found at .

Next, we'd like to let you know that we are in the works of a new Sustain Hudson app for Android. This app has a ton of features, and it looks pretty sweet as well. You will be able to get it on your Android device soon from the Google Play Store (Google Market) for free. We are in talks of allowing beta testers, so stay tuned!

Our Facebook page is maintained regularly, and is available to you right now. Go ahead an "Like" us. Even if you don't have a Facebook account, you can still see the page at . Thanks to all that have commented, liked, and favorited us!

We have been in the spotlight these past months; our Earth Day Art Festival was in the Star Observer ( ), along with Ann Martinson receiving one of the first Green Leaf Awards of 2012! You can see that article at ( Congrats, Ann!

Also, we should mention that we hook up with the R3 committee in the Hudson School District, as well as other community sustainability programs. Check them out too!

We have a meeting on 3 June 2012 at 5:00pm (17:00) at the Hudson Bagel and Coffee Co.

We will keep you update, as long as you stay in touch! So please email us ([email protected]), go to our website (, go to our Facebook page (, and go to our blog (

As you know, the weather really wasn't that frightful this year. It was actually kind of was like the spring time. So let's get our sustainability on!

Tomorrow [06 Feb 2012], Sustain Hudson will have their meeting in the upstairs meeting room at the Hudson Public Library. Starts at 5pm, ends at 6:30pm.

It has been announced we will start meeting every 2 months rather than monthly. This is to ensure ability of participation.

In the coming months, the HMS outdoor learning pavilion will be complete. Come out and see it, it's looking good!

Not much going on in the city of Hudson right now sustainability wise, but stay toned. 

Like us on Facebook!
Our next meeting will be in February, NOT in January. This notice is highly important.

Not much going on in Hudson for sustainability, but stay tooned!

If you have any questions about Sustain Hudson, email Stew Erickson at [email protected]

Our Facebook page is updated daily, and had up-to-date news 24/7.

Merry Christmas!
Hey everybody,

The community garage sales were a hit! SO MANY garage sales were in Hudson on Friday and Saturday. We counted 28 garage sales on those days! Congrats to those and hope you have succeeded with their garage sales.

Again congrats!

~Sustain Hudson

Sustain, Hudson, Blog